Confidence is Charming!
Modern Day Charm School / Etiquette & Communications Training
For Children (ages 8-11)
Children need the gift of good manners and core values training to prepare them for social situations,
to gain confidence in setting goals, and to aid to the success of their endeavors.
August 31 – September 2, 2019
Paradise Performing Arts Center
29 Shipman St. #202, Hilo
Join us for all three days and save! Only $100.
3 Day Workshop
Day 1
10:30AM - 1:30PM
Meet & Greet Essentials
Please, Thank you, and You're Welcome
Mistakes, Tact, Apologies, Rudeness
Tact and Discretion
(3 hours $36)
Day 2
1:00PM - 4:00PM
When NO is appropriate
Bullying, Teasing
Verbal/Non-verbal Communications
Phone Manners
(3 hours $36)
Day 3
10:30AM - 1:30PM
Good Grooming & Hygiene
Proper Attire
Gift Giving & Receiving
Attending a Party
Table Manners Rules & Meal
(3 hours $50 includes meal)